I always wondered why there was a damn squeegee in the shower. I thought it was left there by mistake.
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
How to shower like a woman.
by nicolaou inposting and running very quickly for cover!
have a good weekend all.. .
Family member coming around
by TweetieBird ini went out to eat last night with my neice.
we had a few drinks and started talking.
before i knew it the conversation turned to the subject of doubts about the organization and if i recall correctly (hard when you've had a couple) she is the one that brought the conversation up.
drahcir yarrum
Perhaps you need to have a follow up with your neice reinforcing the need for her to proceed cautiously. It sounds like there is a real nut in the basket in her father. She also needs to know that how she handles these things from here on out can not only impact her, but you as well.
Good Luck!
What kind of angel was Satan?
by Leander inthe bible mentions several different types of angels.
seraphim, cherubs and the archangel who is referred to as jesus.. my question is what type of angel was satan?
i could be wrong but it seems that satan may have been a bit more powerful than many of the other angels.
drahcir yarrum
Satan looked alot like Al Pacino.
Anyone Remember The Chaperone Thing?
by Englishman inback when i was a lusty young lad of 17, a certain sister caught my eye - i swear that she could make her eyelashes beckon - and i duly decided to pay court to said sister.. however, it was not to be so simple.
round about that time, it would have been mid-60's, the wtbts were having a real downer on anyone who wore a short skirt (not me), danced the twist or grew their hair (me) over their ears.. but, the worse thing was still to come.
folks, i am talking about chaperoning!
drahcir yarrum
Did the JW's install all of these strict dating rules because they knew that Witness girls wouldn't say "No"?
Anyone Remember The Chaperone Thing?
by Englishman inback when i was a lusty young lad of 17, a certain sister caught my eye - i swear that she could make her eyelashes beckon - and i duly decided to pay court to said sister.. however, it was not to be so simple.
round about that time, it would have been mid-60's, the wtbts were having a real downer on anyone who wore a short skirt (not me), danced the twist or grew their hair (me) over their ears.. but, the worse thing was still to come.
folks, i am talking about chaperoning!
drahcir yarrum
I remember chaparoning as well. I also remember that if you became engaged to marriage and broke off the engagement, you could be disfellowshipped. I'll bet this rule contributed to some miserable marriages in the long run.
New U.N. Slide presentation
by Dogpatch ini have made a simple slide presentation to educate the public about the watchtower's harlotry with the united nations.
would a few of you mind checking it out and see if you notice any flaws?.
drahcir yarrum
If the WTS only affilitated with the U.N. to use their library, then I only went to the YMCA to use their basketball court.
by crittersitter inmy currently devout jw sis told me how "proud" she was of the bro's at the wtc and how they fed , and comforted all those ppl...this told at the meetings i suppose.
or was this just spin?
i think i read (was it here) that the doors of hq got locked up so outsiders could not come in..... did they really get involved" or was it enuff to make them look good?.
drahcir yarrum
I was simply pointing out the absurdity of thinking that the WTS would give any aid whatsoever to non-JW's affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks on NY.
They would not authorize such an expenditure without beating it to death in some type of committee meeting.
I remember once while working nights on the printing presses at the Brooklyn Bethel I asked for a light to be installed on the bundling end of the press. Max Larson came to visit me personally and berated me for wanting to spend Jehovah's money on something that was going to make my life easier. As he walked away toward the elevator, I remember shooting him the bird. Trust me when I tell you that those fucks in Brooklyn wouldn't give anything to a worldly cause. The whole notion that they would is bullshit.
by crittersitter inmy currently devout jw sis told me how "proud" she was of the bro's at the wtc and how they fed , and comforted all those ppl...this told at the meetings i suppose.
or was this just spin?
i think i read (was it here) that the doors of hq got locked up so outsiders could not come in..... did they really get involved" or was it enuff to make them look good?.
drahcir yarrum
I think if Jehovah knew that his valuable resources at Bethel were being used to help people he has vowed to destroy at Armageddon, he would be fairly pissed off. I don't think the governing body would misuse Jehovah's property in that way without specific permission.
Different Types of Witnessing
by drahcir yarrum ini went to a district assembly in omaha back in the 1970's and got roped into doing street witnessing wearing one of those sandwich boards.
i felt like a complete idiot, but was talked into it by a jw girl i liked at the time.
anyway, i was wondering if anyone else here ever did this.
drahcir yarrum
I went to a district assembly in Omaha back in the 1970's and got roped into doing street witnessing wearing one of those sandwich boards. I felt like a complete idiot, but was talked into it by a JW girl I liked at the time. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else here ever did this. Just curious.
What do you drive and why?
by Escargot inwell, a post on the good ol days got me thinking about the vehicles people drive and why.
in the jws, a vehicle had to be appropriate for service, four doors, holding at least five.
i remember back in 1978 i bought an mgb and the brothers had a fit (hehe), i was selfish, etc.,.
drahcir yarrum
I drive what my teenagers affectionately call "an old man car". A 2001 Chrysler Concorde. It would be a good car for field service because it has 4 doors. It has an exceptionally large trunk area. A real "babe magnet" car.